Wednesday, 29 April 2015

First blog post!

Hey everyone,

Okay, so basically, (as you can see) I've made myself a blog... Now I don't really expect thousands and thousands of people to read this as I'm rather quite boring so this has been made as more of a passtime. 

Firstly, I would just like to clear up the fact that I am not a make-up artist nor do I ever intend to be one nor am I trying to pretend to be one! However, I do have a passion for make-up so you could say I am a make-up enthusiast... I'm not actually that great at applying make-up but practice makes perfect and I do enjoy playing around with it and finding new techniques and products! So really this blog was all about reviewing new products as trying and testing out new make-up is like my favourite thing, ever, seriously. I live for it.  So I thought I may as well put it to good use and review all the new make-up I buy! Plus it gives me a reason to buy more... Asif I needed one anyway.

Also, this is my first time I've ever tried to use one of these bloggy website thingys so do bare with me as I honestly don't have a clue what I'm doing and if I make spelling and grammar errors do forgive me! I get carried away sometimes.

So the first thing I am going to be reviewing is the Anastasia Beverly Hills brow wiz and dipbrow pomade as these are the holy grail of brow products! And also brows are life so. This is pretty important shit right here. Yes, they both really are as amazing as people say they are. 

I'll start with brow wiz, so here is the pencil itself:

On the right you have the brow brush and on the left you have the pencil. Brow wiz gives more of a natural look for your eyebrows compared to the more defined dipbrow. It is excellent at mimicking actual hairs so for sparse brows like myself, this is a godsend for drawing yourself some natural eyebrows! If you are UK based you can buy this from beautybay for £15.50 which may seem quite pricey compared to your usual high street branded brow pencils but for the quality you are getting it is seriously worth it. I honestly cannot live without it now! I personally use this in medium brown though I may go darker next time I buy it, they have so many different shades perfect to match every hair colour so there are no worries there!  

And last but not least dipbrow pomade!

Bad brow days do not exist with this heavenly creation! I use this product and the brow wiz in medium brown and I will never go back to my average drug store brow pencils ever again!! Though again quite pricey at £15 from beauty bay it's still worth it. Since you use such small amounts on your brush it can last for so long and your brows will undoubtedly look fantastic and if that's not a good enough reason to buy it, I don't know what is! This works really well with the zoeva brow brush too, applies nice and neat so that you don't end up with slug brows.

Anyway, on the topic of brows, here is a pictorial of my brow transformation using these fab products! 

I think that's enough from me anyway, I think it's fair to say I have probably bored you to death but anything to put off revision for exams and what not! 

Farewell, from Sarah (sarahmua_) x

P.S don't forget to follow, subscribe and +1 me or whatever it is you do on here! 

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