Tuesday, 5 May 2015

322 Brow Line Brush By Zoeva Review

Hello beauties!

Just a short and sweet review today as I have so much work piling up and exams to revise for but I just couldn't help but feel the need to express my love for the 322 brow line brush by Zoeva!!

It even looks beautiful, just look at it! I ordered mine from Beauty Bay for only £5.95 which is a steal, especially for the amazing quality of the brush itself and it the fact that it even comes in it's own little zoeva brush bag. I actually don't know what I would do without this brush now that it is in my life and I would never go back to the Real Techniques brow brush that I was using previously. The Zoeva brow line brush literally shits all over it! (mind my language, but it seriously does)

Though I must be honest, I think the main reason I am completely infatuated with this brush is because of how beautifully the Anastasia dipbrow pomade applies with it. If you are using the dipbrow and you aren't using this brush I think you need to question your sanity. I would 100% marry this brush I love it so much! Christ, anybody would think I am advertising for Zoeva with the way I'm going on... As you can see it's a very short, thin, yet wide brush so this means that you can be really precise when applying your brow product which comes in really handy.

This is currently the only Zoeva brush that I have as I didn't want to order them all and completely hate them! After discovering this wonderful creation though I am definitely going to be ordering more and you can expect reviews of those too.

Any questions or anything, just comment below! Follow, subscribe and +1 if you enjoyed reading, it would mean alot, bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Zoeva brushes, they are my go to! And for the price, you can't really complain haha! I might even have t start using this one with my dip brow..!

    Abigail | hausofabigail
